Intelligence bulletins

PASSENGER’s Intelligence bulletins detail information about competing technologies, old technologies containing CRMs and CRMS substituted equivalent technologies, complementary initiatives, relevant meetings, markets. Released within the consortium every six months, we share here the bulletins with information relevant for public consumption.

Intelligence Bulletin #1

Pilot Actions and Selected Materials in PASSENGER // September 2021

Intelligence Bulletin #2

The EU Raw Materials Week 2021 // December 2021

Intelligence Bulletin #3

Raw materials supply crisis // February 2022

Intelligence Bulletin #4

SecREEts: Policy workshop outcomes // July 2022

Intelligence Bulletin #5

Raw Materials Information System (RMIS) // January 2023

Intelligence Bulletin #6

Strontium // March 2023

Intelligence Bulletin #7

Rare Earth Elements (REE) in Magnets // June 2023

Intelligence Bulletin #8

Circular Economy in Permanent Magnets // June 2023

Intelligence Bulletin #9

Manganese // October 2023

Intelligence Bulletin #10

Novel trends of raw materials criticality // October 2023

Intelligence Bulletin #11

The Critical Raw Materials Act: relevance of REE-free magnets// March 2024

Intelligence Bulletin #12

Importance of Life Cycle Assessment in the value chain of permanent magnets// March 2024


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